
Natural Leadership Profile™

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1. Please rate your level of agreement with the following questions.

Very Strongly Disagree

Strongly Disagree


Neither Disagree nor Agree


Strongly Agree

Very Strongly Agree

I often think I have communicated things only to find out later that no one actually heard it.

I struggle to share my ideas out loud when I believe them to be less than perfect.

I am far more productive when I am able to take time alone during the working day to recharge my batteries

I typically guard my thoughts until they are (almost) perfect.

I prefer to share my ideas through written communication as it can be edited, refined, and perfected.

I prefer to have a small circle of deep and meaningful friendships.

I enjoy working alone and the freedom to work without consistent interruptions.

2. Please rate your level of agreement with the following questions.

Very Strongly Disagree

Strongly Disagree


Neither Disagree nor Agree


Strongly Agree

Very Strongly Agree

I have to work hard to maintain discipline in my external communication.

I prefer to talk things out loud in order to understand them.

I know moments when I have thought out loud and wished I could have turned back the clock.

I tend to stack my questions rather than giving time for a considered reply.

I have to make a conscious decision to be fully present and truly listen to the opinions of others before responding.

I must be careful how much I dominate the conversation.

I struggle with silence in conversation and often feel the need to fill it.

3. Please rate your level of agreement with the following questions.

Very Strongly Disagree

Strongly Disagree


Neither Disagree nor Agree


Strongly Agree

Very Strongly Agree

I get frustrated with those who are always talking about the future and do not spend the time seeking to truly understand the present.

I am tempted to assume that what has not been done before is reckless and bound to fail.

I value vision but need to know it is safe and well thought out before I will commit resources toward it.

I tend to focus on my immediate world and my physical environment is very important to me.

I prefer the tried and true – a successful process or procedure that can be incrementally improved over time.

I prefer to learn in sequential, systemic ways.

I enjoy actively engaging with the physical world and rely on my five senses to assess the data.

4. Please rate your level of agreement with the following questions.

Very Strongly Disagree

Strongly Disagree


Neither Disagree nor Agree


Strongly Agree

Very Strongly Agree

I love to dream and live towards the future focusing on the world of possibilities.

I look for innovative ways to dramatically improve the efficiency and productivity of a process or system; incremental improvement is not typically fast enough.

I often miss details right in front of me if I do not concentrate.

I love dreaming big and working out how my team is going to change the world.

I often struggle to be physically, emotionally, and intellectually present with my friends and family.

My love for shaping the future often means I can miss the beauty of the here and now.

I prefer to brainstorm ideas at the start of projects and then go away to work out the details.

5. Please rate your level of agreement with the following questions.

Very Strongly Disagree

Strongly Disagree


Neither Disagree nor Agree


Strongly Agree

Very Strongly Agree

I often make important life decision based on a gut feeling rather than the empirical data.

I ask questions to gain emotional clarity in order to make the most compassionate decisions.

I struggle to disagree or challenge the opinions of others as I fear it will affect relational harmony.

I search for points of agreement in an argument – trying to preserve relational harmony and a collaborative sense of decision making.

All decisions are personal – I try to understand how each person will be affected by each decision.

I try to appreciate the person bringing the idea before critiquing the idea itself.

When someone challenges my ideas or opinions, it feels very personal.

6. Please rate your level of agreement with the following question

Very Strongly Disagree

Strongly Disagree


Neither Disagree nor Agree


Strongly Agree

Very Strongly Agree

I often find myself asking the difficult, practical questions rather than getting swept up in the hype of a new idea.

I value competence and credibility in myself and others. Winning invariably comes before relational niceties.

I prefer to remain objective – separating myself from the context and the relationships that will be impacted by the decision.

I use a rational, logical methodology to test the validity of ideas and strategies. If they stand up to the toughest critique, then they are sound.

I am good at asking the difficult questions – getting to the truth is very important for me.

When problem solving, I value realism, pragmatism, and practical applications.

I have the capacity to remain objective under pressure and make difficult and unpopular decisions.

7. Please rate your level of agreement with the following questions.

Very Strongly Disagree

Strongly Disagree


Neither Disagree nor Agree


Strongly Agree

Very Strongly Agree

Even if I know there is a valid reason, I struggle when plans change midway through a project.

Advanced planning for the vacation is often as fun as the vacation itself.

I dislike working under last minute pressure and will invariably finish tasks well ahead of the stated deadline.

I like to have life under control and seek to remove any variables or surprises that might negatively impact my plan.

I apply the same level of planning and discipline to my personal life as my professional life.

I have a more rigid “end determined” mindset over a more flexible "end in view" approach.

I often find it irresponsible to play until the work is finished.

8. Please rate your level of agreement with the following questions.

Very Strongly Disagree

Strongly Disagree


Neither Disagree nor Agree


Strongly Agree

Very Strongly Agree

I typically need the pressure of a deadline before I will commit to a final decision.

I trust the process more than the plan. I know what the end goal looks like but don’t believe you can plan for all eventualities.

I enjoy spontaneity and often work in bursts of creativity and inspiration.

I am comfortable changing my mind on key decisions if new and viable information becomes available.

I do not mind surprises and see them as a part of life’s adventure.

I see routine as a necessary evil and fight a constant battle to stay focused and productive.

I have a flexible “end in view” mindset over a more rigid "end determined" approach.